Relationship Issues

Are you lonely, dissatisfied or frustrated in yet another unhealthy relationship?
Have you recently gone through the pain of a divorce or a breakup and keep trying, without success, to make sense of what went wrong?
Are you unceasingly single and questioning why it’s so hard for you to connect with others and find that someone special?
Do you wonder why other people seem to experience happy, fulfilling relationships while your relationships always fail?
The search for a healthy, satisfying relationship can be a frustrating and even heart wrenching experience. Failed relationships can erode confidence, leaving you feeling defeated and even cynical. A pattern of betrayals and disappointments can heighten these feelings and make it hard to open your heart and trust again.
Or, perhaps you’ve struggled with shyness and social anxiety, making it hard to meet a potential partner although you long for connection and intimacy. It’s not uncommon to fall into a discouraging cycle of self doubt, wondering why others enjoy successful relationships while you struggle.
Heartbreak and heartache affect us all.
Divorce and break-ups are very common in our culture, and people get their hearts broken every day. It’s quite common to still be single or back in the dating scene in the mid to later years of adulthood. Many people are marrying later in life, and about half of those who marry will end up divorced, once again trying to navigate the complicated world of dating. And, as we get older, it’s not uncommon to carry around the baggage accumulated over years of heartbreak and loss.
Dating can become more confusing, frustrating and even frightening when we’re older and also trying to juggle children and careers — on top of the pollutants of past heartbreak such as self doubt, deflated confidence and difficulty with trust. Thankfully, there is hope and a way forward. With help, you can better understand who you are, as well as what you need and desire. It is possible to develop the insights, composure and personal skills needed to maintain a healthy, nurturing relationship with yourself and others
Relationship counseling can help you build confidence and begin a healthy path forward.
Regardless of whether you have been single for years, moved from one failed relationship to another or are currently dating a partner who doesn’t meet your needs, there is help and hope. With the compassionate support and guidance of an experienced and nonjudgmental therapist, it is possible for you to dispel unhealthy patterns, build on your strengths and begin to feel good about yourself and all that you have to offer another.
In counseling sessions, we can help you to identify, explore and address the thoughts, feelings and issues that are causing you to struggle with your relationships. In a safe and confidential space free from distraction and interruption, Cartersville Counseling & Therapy can begin to uncover potential blind spots and patterns of dysfunction that you may routinely bring to relationships or that keep you from seeking one out. If social anxiety is holding you back, we can explore strategies to help you engage in social situations, connect with others and build confidence. If you come in with a long list of failed relationships, we can explore the types of partners that you choose and why, and consider past experiences and issues that may contribute to fearful and damaging patterns of thought and behavior.
As we explore what keeps you from finding and/or maintaining a meaningful and satisfying relationship, we can also help you identify your strengths and devise ways for you to build upon them. You can discover who you want to be in relationships. You can learn how to express yourself clearly, develop the confidence to ask for what you need, and become more attuned to the needs of others. You’ll also have the space and support to work through the feelings that are causing you pain and/or holding you back. You can find ways to feel more visible and valuable and develop healthy and effective strategies to connect with others.
With support, as well as a willingness to learn about yourself, it is possible to break down old patterns, heal from past hurts, let go of self-limiting behaviors and find ways to connect with others in meaningful ways. While developing an understanding of relationships and dating is a process, learning more about yourself – your patterns, fears, strengths and weaknesses – is the first step toward finding and maintaining a healthy relationship.
But, you still may have questions or concerns about relationship counseling for individuals...
I feel totally defeated by relationships. I’m not sure that anything – even therapy – can help me.
After being single for a long time and/or after a multitude of failed relationship, it’s not uncommon to feel defeated. Hurts, betrayals and ongoing struggles to connect with others can lead to pessimistic thinking and a heightened need for self-protection. But, in a safe space, with the help of a thoughtful and experienced therapist, you can shift your thinking, work through painful emotions, set healing boundaries for yourself and develop patience.
Regardless of your current situation, it is possible for you to create new patterns, increase your personal resiliency and better navigate personal challenges. You are not your past, and every moment is a new opportunity to learn, grow and be more present with yourself and others.
How can therapy really help me find a partner?
We’re hardly or another dating portal, but we can help you to become more comfortable with, and even excited by, who you are and what you have to offer another. We’ll provide support and encouragement as you develop a better understanding of your needs and what you truly want in a partner. We can help you thoughtfully bring your best self forward so the dating process becomes more navigable, empowering and even fun.